Thursday, January 2, 2014


As the new year begins, we all reflect on 2013 and how it has effected us and how we can improve and challenge ourselves in 2014. Last year I made a list of resolutions. But I refused to call them that because so many times that just leads to a list of non-completed items. So with a friend we came up with our list of "Acountabilities."

This would be a list of things we want to do or change in the new year but because of the nature of the list, we would hold each other accountable to the list. I have to say that my list was long, but MOST of the list has a check next to it.

So for 2014 I am making a new list of Accoutabilites. And I am making it public so more people will see what is happening. I HATE to fail. So knowing that I have eyes on me, and maybe even someone quizzing me about the list, will keep me on track.

In 2014 I want to:
  1. paint my living room- I have lived in my house for 6 years now and I still have not painted the walls in my living room. I. hate. tan!!!!
  2. run a marathon. now you may think- Scott 26.2 miles is a really long distance! But I have a good friend that said its possible and I am going to give it my best. I have already started running, so now I just need to keep I up.
  3. write more- this will be a place to do that. I often think about amazing ideas for stories and blogs but it is usually while driving or showering. I just need to follow through and "put them on paper"
  4. SAVE MONEY!!!! I will be honest and admit that I am horrible at budgeting. But, I have found a plan that I have already started that, if I follow through, I will have saved over $1500 by the end of 2014. That is A LOT of money to me!!!
  5. learn a new skill- this one is still up in the air. I would LOVE to play the piano, and have access to a teacher, but need a practice keyboard. Once I have that I plan on taking lessons. If it is not the piano, I wouldn't mind learning some wood working. I so often will not buy items because I can see how simple it would be to make them myself. Soooo, Pinterest is going to be my new best friend!!!! Maybe I will do both!!!
That is my list so far. In 2013 I took a dream vacation, lost 33 lbs and started taking better  are of my self physically. It was a hard year (read Ripples if you want to know more), but to leave a year with your family, friends, church, health and so many other blessings still intact, how can it be a bad one.

So friends, you have my permission to hold me accountable! You have my permission to ask about the list above! You also have my permission to donate a keyboard or piano!!!! LOL

I look forward to this year tests, trials and blessings!!!